By performing precise, detailed chiropractic adjustments by a licensed Chiropractor from Bay Area Auto Accident Injury Treatment Center, along with treating the injury with therapy and different exercises, your body will have a much better chance of rebuilding properly. This means less chronic pain, stiffness, disc degeneration, and pinched nerves. We can help alleviate your pain and rebuild your spinal structures. These treatment options also severely reduce future injuries from occurring. So if you have whiplash, schedule an examination with a trusted Bay Area Chiropractor from Bay Area Auto Accident Injury Treatment Center today!
Bay Area Auto Accident Injury Treatment Center

Our Awesome Team of Chiropractors
What Our Patients Say
Hear what our patients have to say about our doctors and their auto accident injury treatment.

“I started going to Dr. Jennings for lower back pain after an auto accident. I was referred by a friend from the gym. I have been to other chiropractors and they helped but I didn’t think what they did was that special. When Dr. Jennings worked on me I realized that there is a lot more to chiropractic than what I had experienced through other chiropractors. Dr. Jennings helped me with my lower back and other problems that I was just living with. He is very excellent.”
Jeff S.

“After an auto accident, I suffered from with low back pain, neck pain, and headaches and unable to perform simple daily tasks. After seeing Dr. Newton, I felt much more relieved. It is amazing to be able to function like a normal human being again!”
Tom M.

“I was rear-ended while sitting at a red light… the pain in my neck became quite unbearable. San Francisco Auto Accident Injury was able to get me in right away. Dr. Henry skillfully diagnosed my problem and helped me that very same day. I like the fact that they are about treating the problem and not about drugging me up like other doctors. I appreciate that they have a great team of chiropractors and massage therapists that gave me the best care possible. I highly recommend them.”